Showing posts with label ultralekkie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ultralekkie. Show all posts

Friday, 21 February 2025

New BRM Bristell 916iS for Poland - SP-ADEX

Skydream the Polish agent for BRM aircraft have published a photo of a new Bristell 916iS under construction at the BRM factory  - the aircraft is painted in an attractive red/silver colour scheme with the ultralight registration SP-ADEX - it appears to be s/n 787





Friday, 24 March 2023

Pionner 300 Hawk G-OPYO - sold to Poland

G-OPYO Pioneer 300 Hawk was cancelled from the UK aircraft register on 6th March 2023 as sold to Poland. This aircraft was built in 2009 with PFA ( LAA ) serial PFA 330A-14597 - by July 2021 it had flown over 505 flight hours. This aircraft had an accident in November 2021 when it ran out of fuel and had to make a forced landing into a field. The Pioneer will likely join the Polish Ultralight ( Ultralekkie ) register shortly. 

Saturday, 4 March 2023

New Bristell LSA - SP-NEXT

Skydream recently shared a photo of brand new BRM Aero Bristell LSA SP-NEXT - this LSA version offer a MTOW of 600kg. The aircraft is registered in the Polish ultralight ( ultralekkie ) sequence but outside of the more usual SP-SAAA-SP-SZZZ range.

SP-NEXT is S/N 643 and was registered in Poland in February 2023.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

New Foxbat - SP-SENO

Aeroprakt Manufacturing of Poland delivered another new A-22LS Foxbat ( MTOW 600KG ) in June 2021 - painted black and gold the aircraft is registered as SP-SENO, see photo below.



Thursday, 18 March 2021

More Bushcats arrive in Poland

Skysport Poland have recently imported several more examples of the South African built Skyreach Bushcat ultralight aircraft into Poland. 

Aircraft number 254 is shown in the photo below being delivered to a customer in Poland in March 2021. 

The first Bushcat to be registered in Poland was SP-SSKY S/N 180 registered in September 2017 - this example is blue and black and is fitted with nose gear.  Most other Bushcats in Poland are operated as taildraggers including the second example SP-SMOW S/N 208 registered in January 2019. 


Other Bushcats in Poland include SP-SMON and SP-SZKY plus more in build. 


Photos courtesy Skysport Poland



Wednesday, 24 February 2021

New Pipistrel Virus for Poland

Skydream of Bielsko-Biala have announced the imminent delivery of another brand new Pipistrel Virus SW from the factory in Slovenia - this aircraft will be registered as SP-SAMG - over 40 examples of the Pipistrel Virus ultralight aircraft have been registered in Poland. 


Virus SP-SAMG at the factory pre-delivery  - S/N 1045

Update - March 2021 - Another new Pipistrel Virus SW in Poland is SP-SRMC imported via agents Skydream, photo below

Friday, 25 September 2020

RWD-8 Replica nears completion


A replica RWD-8 basic two seat tandem trainer is nearing completion - the project has been built by Henryk Wicki of TZL Aviation at Swidnik in Poland. The RWD-8 high wing single engine aircraft was used extensively in Poland during the 1930s by both the Polish Air Force and local aeroclubs. Over 500 examples were built although none are known to exist today.


 photo courtesy Warsztat Lotniczy TZL


The replica is expected to have its first flight in late September 2020 and is registered on the Ultralight register as SP-STZL