I recently visited the small airfield at Oaksey Park, a couple of miles south of Kemble airport ( Gloucestershire, UK ) and was lucky to see the only Wilga 2000 currently registered in the UK on maintenance - G-RTRT.
G-RTRT was built at the PZL factory at Warsaw-Okecie in 2006 and is construction number 00060021, ie #021.
This aircraft first flew in Spring 2006 registered in Poland as SP-WHO - it was exhibited at the Berlin ILA aero trade show in May 2006 painted all red with a yellow trim. The aircraft came to the UK shortly afterwards and was registered with the UK CAA on 8th June 2006 as G-RTRT owned by the local agent PZL International Aviation Marketing and Sales at North Weald airfield in Essex.
In July 2007 this Wilga 2000 was sold by the local dealer to it's current owner in Gloucestershire ( note this owner had previously owned Wilga 2000MN G-RIIN c/n 010 ) - G-RTRT operates from a private strip not far from Oaksey Park.
Wilga G-RTRT does not fly a great deal - the UK CAA website shows that it had accumulated only 35 flying hours by December 2011 - as you can see from the photo it looks in perfect condition, the Lycoming engine virtually spotless.
At the moment G-RTRT is the only Wilga 2000 in the UK - the two previous examples G-RRIN and G-RIIN were both exported onto Canada.